برصغیر میں معارفِ ابنِ تیمیہ کے اثرات

(تاریخِ مسلمانان ِہندکے تناظر میں)


  • محمود احمد ڈاکٹر، اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر؛شعبہ علومِ اسلامیہ وعربی،گورنمنٹ کالج یونیورسٹی،فیصل آباد


Ibn e Taimiyya, influence, thoughts, early signs, sub-continent


"Early signs of ibn e Taimiyya's Thoughts in sub-continent" (A historical study of Muslim's rule period). Ibn e Taimiyya (661-728/1263-1327) is one of the most dynamic and seminal personalities in the history of Islam, he struggled hard to revive Muslim society through inward animation and re-interpretation of its values in the light of a new spirit of ijtihad (interpretation of law) based on direct recourse to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet . He was born five years after Hulaku's sack of Baghdad and was in his teens when the Mongol storm inundated the astern world of Islam. He struggled hard to turn the tide. Mongol tribes were converting to Islam Much of this had been due to the efforts of Ibn Taimiyya. He came to be hailed as the mujaddid of his age. His thought influenced not only his contemporaries in the Muslim heartlands but reached far beyond.
Circumstantial evidence shows that even during the early phase of Ibn eTaimiyya's career, India did not remain ignorant of the religious trends initiated by him. During the time of Ibn eTaimiyya's struggle against the Mongols, Balban (1266-1287), 'Ala' al-Din Khilji (1296-1316) and Muhammad bin Tughluq (1325-1351) were on the throne of Delhi and all of them were carrying on a determined struggle against the Mongols.
Maulana Shams al-Dln ibn al-Hariri came to Multan in the period of Ala' al-Din Khilji who was impressed by Ibn Taimiyya's views. Shaikh Abd al-'Aziz Ardbaili, a pupil of the Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyya, visited the court of the Sultan Muhammad bin Tughluq. There is direct evidence of Muhammad bin Tughluq's admiration for Ibn Taimiyya's ideas; and indirect, circumstantial evidence of the impact of those ideas on others. This article is a brief study of early signs of Ibn Taimiyya's thoughts in sub continent, it will be a gateway for the researchers of Islamic Indo-Pak history.






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