متنبی کی شاعری کے فنی محاسن ونقائص کا جائزہ


  • محمد انس حسّان لیکچرر شعبہ اسلامیات گورنمنٹ ڈگری کالج جہانیاں
  • محمد امجد اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر، شعبۂ علومِ اسلامیہ، بہائو الدین زکریا یونیورسٹی، ملتان


The art of Arabic poetry is one of the disciplines, which characterize the Arab people. It has a unique nature among the broad field of world poetry. Throughout history, in the Arab lands, the Arab rulers found inspiration and entertainment in the verses of their court poets.It was one such poet who became the most renowned of all the Arab poets ever. This was a man by the name of Abu at-Tayyib Ahmad ibn Huseyn Al Mutanabbi(915-955). Among other things, Al Mutanabbi rose to fame with his marvelous metaphors and ornate enhancements of the language. Over a couple of dozen reviews have been written to examine and interpret the subtle, almost hidden messages in his verse. And indeed, they were in fact less than direct to the less experienced reader.His poetry achieved much success with its opulently metaphorical and skillfully attacking or slyly praising qasidahs. His subject matters always bring to mind the time-honored and accepted Arab intrinsic worth of reliability, respect, companionship, courage, and gallantry. During Al Mutanabbi's lifetime and till our present day, his poetry attracted and attracts a great deal of interest. As with many controversial figures in history, the censure he received at times gave him popularity and opened the doors of his patrons in the cultural centers of the Arab world in the tenth century. Today,Al Mutanabbi remains somewhat unknowable. There is an aura of a hint of vagueness about his works and himself as a person. This paper attempts to enlighten many aspects of his poetry,ideology and explores his scholarly contribution in Arabic poetry.






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