تفسیر القرآن کے محاسن اور نقائص کا تحقیقی مطالعہ


  • ہادی بخش پی ایچ ڈی اسکالر، علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی اسلام آباد، اسلام آباد
  • شہزاد چنا اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر، دعوۃ اکیڈمی، بین الاقوامی اسلامی اسلام آباد یونیورسٹی، اسلام آباد


Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Tafsirul-Qur`an, rational, People of the Book, Ahle-Kitab, Muslims, Qur’an


This article aims to understand and elaborate the key features of theexegesis “Tafsirul-Qur`an” written by Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817–1898), an Indian Muslim pragmatist, Islamic reformist and philosopher of nineteenth century British India. The quranic interpretation “Tafsirul-Qur`an”of Khan, discusses the important characteristics of Islam based on rational, reasoning, and inference grounds. The tafsir elaborates the motives and reasons behind the creation, emergence, and acceptance of erroneous and misleading ideologies found in the human societies.“Tafsirul-Qur`an” especially identifies the weakness of the prevailing religious ideologies, and invites the "People of the Book" Ahle-Kitab, to accept the religion “Islam”after making a thoughtful, unbiased and logical comparison with the features of other religious ideologies.Khan has also addressed the disseminated misinformation and objections raised by the Orientalists about Islam, and has replied in a rationalistic and logical approach and manner. “Tafsirul-Qur`an” does not indulge in the linguistic and juristic (fiqhi) issues of the Qur’an, but strongly calls to be practical Muslims, and consider Qur’an as book of guidance.






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