علامہ زمخشری کا تصور نظم قرآن


  • سیف اﷲ ڈاکٹر، ایسوسی ایٹ پروفیسر،شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ، گورنمنٹ ڈگری کالج، رینالہ خورد، ضلع اوکاڑہ، پاکستان


Zamakhshari, Coherence, Cohesion, Quranic, Exegesis


Despite his being a staunch Mutazali, Allama Zamakhshari declares the Holy Quran to be a miracle on account of its unique coherence and cohesion. For the first time in the history of Quranic exegesis, he made a subject of the mutual juxtaposition of Quranic words, sentences, verses and surahs such discussions on the Quranic cohesion as are related to literary and communicative aspects such as metaphor, simile, allusion and syntax. Similarly, he demonstrated the Quranic cohesiveness by beautifully applying the roles and regulations of rhetoric on the verses of the Holy Quran. Such forms of coherence and cohesion did he adopt as can be declared as the fundamentals of the idea of the Quranic cohesion. In this regard, this article is the first such comprehensive study of the Tafseer e Kashaf.






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