اسلامی سیاسی فکر و فلسفہ کے خدوخال


  • سید ذاکر شاہ گورنمنٹ نیشنل کالج نمبر۱،کراچی
  • ثمر سلطانہ پروفیسر، صدر شعبۂ سیاسیات، جامعہ کراچی


Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, Sovereignty of Allah, Islamic State, Islamic political philosophy, Last messenger, Law of land


This study is done to explore and highlight ‘The Characteristics of Islamic political philosophy’ as enunciated by Quran and Hadith. According to Islamic political thought, Almighty Allah is the lord of the whole universe. He is not only creator of the universe, He also possesses the absolute sovereignty over it. Nothing is out of His command. His orders are to be obeyed. He has the power of legislation for mankind. In an Islamic state all, His sovereignty over the mankind is to be reflected in the law of the land. The prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is His last and final messenger, has the lawful authority to elaborate and explain the injunction of Quran. The Muslim follow the prophet’s sunnah as he is, according to Quran, the final authority in all disputes which may arise amongst them time to time. The Muslim are required to surrender themselves to the judgment of the Prophet heartily. In the following lines all those aspects of Islamic political philosophy are discussed which explain the nature of an Islamic state. ‘The unique character of Islamic political philosophy’ is the universality, i.e, it is today as practicable in a modern Muslim state as it was practicable fourteen hundred years ago by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the state of Medina.






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